Man With No Shadow

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45 - 0 mins
3 male(s), 2 female(s), 1 gender-flexible
A sad, sweet story about a 1950's radio cowboy whose show is moving to television, but without him: he doesn't look like his voice. Half the action is a live presentation of the last "Marshal Hollister, Lawman of Los Angeles" radio show, complete with sound effects and the man with a thousand voices. The other half is the backstage story inside the greenroom.
Split set: the greenroom and the broadcast studio. - The New Mercury Theatre Company, NoHo, 2008 - The Complex, The Actor's Gym, Hollywood, 1999 - Samuel Beckett Theatre, New York City, 1995 - Published: The Pawn Review, Austin, Texas, 1985 - Premiere: Theatre of N.O.T.E., Los Angeles, 1983